
Sunday 9 October 2016

Help! My Little Girl Cries when She wees!

​​Many mums have experienced  an episode when your little girl cries as she wees or even complains of soreness around her vagina. You may notice a discharge on her panties which may often be accompanied by itching around the vulval area. These symptoms may be vulvovaginitis!
What is vulvovaginitis?

Saturday 8 October 2016

The Rains And Your Health Malaria

The rains are here and we all heave a sigh of relief as we get that break from the hot, harsh weather.
We feel like opening all doors and windows to let in the cool breeze.......
But wait, have you noticed those dreaded pests A.K.A mosquitoes also "float in"with the wind?

About Toilet Disease

​We have all been there, having that itch around the vaginal area, discharge or the burning sensation that comes with trying to just take a pee πŸ˜“ouch! Where is all this coming from we ask?
Then we remember that convenience we probably used at work, at the eatery, at that public place! Yep  that's it!  our minds concur,
The last time I used the toilet, it was dirty..........😭😭
I should not have sat on the toilet seat.....😭😭
What Really is Toilet Disease (Infection)? 

Letters To my Doctor -our rights as patients

I get plain perplexed, when someone has just come back from the doctors  still looking puzzled..
"So what did the doctor say?"
"Well, nothing really, just that I should do some tests and take these medications, then come back and see him in a month"
"So he did not tell you what was wrong with you?"


Tuesday 4 October 2016

Antibacterial Soap, how safe are they?

It has been a recurring decimal, this use of antibacterial soaps.  The antibacterial soap industry is a very thriving one. From various shapes, colours, fragrances and uses. They are also being marketed as substances that do even more ,with words like  "skincare" "even tone" brightening" being thrown into the mix.
How safe are they?

Saturday 1 October 2016

What is NaijaDocOnline?

Hi, guys,  welcome to this blog.
Many of us agree that health is a vital part of our lives without which we cannot achieve our dreams or objectives we set out for ourselves in life.